Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Entertainer

For anyone who doesn't know Bert... he is our little cockatoo friend that we are baby sitting for the Prows's. If your following Tanisha's blog, you probably know all about him! She might have also mentioned that he is actually a she. We all found out far too long after the fact, and now the name Bert is stuck. We try calling him Berta, but that's too hard. So our poor friend the girl bird will probably struggle with gender issues for the rest of his life (there i go again calling her a he).
Anyway, about Bert. That little bird is sooo funny. Most times you would never even know he was there. He is so sweet. He just sits, always on his best behavior. His favorite thing is when you scratch his head. The moment you put your hand anywhere close to his face, his head falls to his feet, almost as if sudden death has struck him or something. its really funny. or when you go to give him a kiss, he shoves his face into your lips faster than you can make the puckering sound. so i said most of the time we never know he is there... we sometimes, usually on random moments like this afternoon, he will go into singing and talking mode. His favorite things to do are whistle at you like you are the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, or the kind of whistle that you would use to get someones attention. He also does a few whistles that belong to other birds that he has claimed for his own. its quite funny. there is a bird that always makes this loud and distinctive whistle that i recognized the moment i heard Bert do it. it was funny, and he loves doing it. Then he has his little chirps, but they aren't annoying, Most sounds that come from his mouth are very melodic. Our most favorite whistle of all times that he does, and its not very often, is the beginning of "We Thank Thee oh God for a Prophet" So funny! I almost died when i heard it for the first time, it was so funny. Anyway, he entertained us for about half an hour with his music this afternoon. I noticed he likes to mix and match some of the sounds that he has with others.

Tonight i did homework while i ate dinner, that's hard. Anyway, i was working on a problem for math and i wasn't paying attention to my food, when all of a sudden sierra started laughing hysterically! I looked up at my food and to my surprise found Bert standing right in the middle of my pizza looking up at me with his big beady eyes. All he knew was that he wanted to go on my shoulder, and i was neglecting to give him any attention. He probably also liked the feeling of the hot squishiness beneath his feet, but besides that, really didn't see what the big deal was. Hah, it was really funny, i wanted to get a picture but no one new where the camera was, and i was starting to get nervous that he wouldn't be the only thing on my pizza, i would have hated for his poo to get comfortable as well.

Well it is late. I don't have seminary tomorrow, but i do have school, so i really ought to hit the sack. Night

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